Thursday, May 10, 2012

Digital Story Telling and Using Video in the Classroom

Today in class we some awesome examples of Digital Story Telling! The stories were funny, sad and very interesting to watch. I think I already have an idea for my personal narrative, but what I'm nervous for is creating my digital story in iMovie. It's been a while since CI 201 and I struggled creating the movie then too. I'm planning on checking out a Mac this weekend and will hopefully figure out the basics for what I need to do.

I really enjoyed discussing using video in the classroom today. I think video is great tool to use because if students are visual learners, they can take a lot more from seeing and hearing a certain concept, rather than simply listening to the teacher lecture. It was a great tool for me to use when teaching science in student teaching. It is also a good way to reinforce what the students may have just learned. Students also enjoy seeing themselves on video after presenting a project, doing reader's theater or doing any fun classroom activity. It is good for students to reflect back and see how they did presenting and speaking or just to remember the fun they had when they participated in a fun activity. Video is also an excellent way for teachers to reflect back on their teaching. In student teaching I was videotaped teaching a lesson and while it was painful to watch because I HATE seeing and hearing myself talk on camera, it gave me very good insight on how I would change my lesson to make it more effective and engaging for students.


  1. Kristin,

    I agree with you. I enjoyed watching the movies in class and it gave me a better idea of what I could do my digital story over. I think the hardest part is the dramatic question. I also have similar views as you on the videotaping yourself teaching. I do not like seeing or hearing myself either! But, it was beneficial in the end.

  2. Videos are an amazing tool to use in the classroom! During my ESL student teaching placement I used YouTube videos all the time to add context to what I was teaching. My student could often read books just fine but when asked about them they had no idea what the story was about. In order to improve comprehension we did a lot of building of background before reading stories. For example, we were studying life cycles of different animals and before we began learning about opossums I showed a couple clips from YouTube of mother opossums, baby opossums and some common features of the animal such as them playing dead. Then when we read the book the children had a picture in their minds of what these animals looked like and how they live.

    I also think using video in the classroom for projects will be very rewarding. The example we saw from Dr. Crawford's sister-in-law's class was AMAZING! Those students did a great job! Just imagine what students could do in school given the right equipment and time. I'm excited to start my digital story and see how I can improve from CI 201.

  3. Video is a technology that is becoming easier and easier to use in the classroom - all that is holding us back is the idea that we have to promote creativity and learning. Keep thinking about ways to use video, especially to have students create video in your own classroom.
