Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I definitely think that keyboarding is something that needs to be taught to elementary students. It is an important life skill that they will need to learn and practice. In my last student placement, however, I saw students struggling and getting very discouraged with the type to learn program. The students who were good at typing and could pass levels rabidly and easily LOVED it, but that was only about two students in the class. By the end of the school year, 3rd graders were expected to be at level seven of the type to learn game. I was there about half-way through the year and there were students still on level one and very frustrated with the program. One student tried convincing me there something wrong with the program and that was why he couldn't pass level one. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and sat down to see if I could pass level one on the computer he was at. I ended up passing level one for him, because there ended up being nothing wrong with the program. He had tricked me, but was very thankful I finally passed that first level for him! For the children who did enjoy this typing program, it took them about twenty minutes just to log on the program and get started. I thought the games for this program looked like fun! But I wasn't under the pressure to pass all the levels.

In my future classroom, I know I will be teaching keyboarding. But I will figure out a better approach for instruction. I want students to feel comfortable when learning how to type and want to become better typists. I do not want it to be a stressful thing that they dread doing. 

Here is my Mad Lib!

A Visit From . . . .

'Twas the night before  Halloween  .
When all through Mcdonalds 
Not a  squirell   was stirring, not even a cat ;
The stockings were hung by the attic with care,
In hopes that Rob Dyrdek soon would be there;
The  kindergarteners were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of Mike and Ikes danced in their heads;
And, Momma in her   Mittens  , and I in my cap,
Had just settled our  bellybuttons   for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a   bing bang ,
I sprang from my   pencil   to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I   dive  like a flash,
Tore open the   nuts   and threw up the sash.
The moon, on the breast of the  bronze snow,
Gave a lustre of midday to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a miniature  Taurus  with eight tiny  chickens  ,
With a little old driver, so lively and glorious   ,
I knew in a moment it must be  Britney Spears.

                                    by : Kristin Schmidt


  1. I love that you post your actual products on here! It makes reading your blogs so fun!

    I can definitely see how that student felt when they struggled with typing. Keyboarding is a hard skill to learn and if you aren't good at it then you most likely will really not enjoy doing it. The interactive keyboarding sites we used in class were a lot of fun and some of them were even pretty challenging for me. I think that would be a cool way to help students, who are struggling, get excited about keyboarding again. However, if they are really struggling with the skill, failing at a game might not help the matter.

    Thanks for sharing your student teaching experience!

  2. I agree about keyboarding, it can be boring, but as the teacher we can make it fun and enjoyable! Giving students activities to complete on the computer that correlates with keyboarding is a great idea.
