Friday, May 11, 2012


Last night I checked out a MacBook Pro from the CTLT so I could try to familiarize myself with iMovie and prepare myself for creating my digital story this weekend. It took me a while to figure out in order to do anything with iMovie I needed to click create new project. After I figured that part out, I taught myself how to drag in photos and add audio with the picture. What I was confused about last night was whether I should put the pictures in first and then do the audio or record the audio first then add in the pictures. I talked to Dr. Crawford today about it and she said it would be easier to record the audio first.

We had an opportunity to play around a little with iMovie today when we created out book talks but I'm still nervous to create my own movie this weekend! Becca is very professional at iMovie and was trying to explain how to add music in and editing the movie. I'm hoping I will remember, but she may be getting a lot of calls from me this weekend!

We had a lot of fun creating our book talk today! Becca brought a lot of props for us to use and our video turned out very...interesting =).

Have a great weekend!


  1. Krisitin,

    I had the same exact question you had about recording first, or putting in the pictures first. It will be interesting to see how my iMovie turns out since I haven't used iMovie since 201. :)

  2. I hope everything worked out well! I am looking forward to viewing our digital stories in a few days. Everyone always comes up with a creative story to tell!

  3. I was very nervous to start creating my digital story. I remember I struggled a bit when I made my digital story in 201. Before I even checked out a Mac I picked my pictures and wrote my script. Then when I got my computer I put all my pictures in before recording. The trouble I had was shortening the time my pictures were on the screen. I wasn't able to figure it out but I think my video turned out okay. I put my audio in last and it worked out great! I just recorded my voice in sections while watching my movie progress. I didn't have to edit the audio or anything! I was very happy with my outcome!

    I thought your group's video was so fun!
